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Needle Phobia

What is needle phobia?

Needle phobia is a fear of medical procedures that involve needles or injections.

It is very common, affecting at least one in 10 people, and is nothing to be ashamed of. Fortunately, simple exercises and practice can help to overcome it.

Many people with needle phobia may have had a lot of blood tests or procedures as a child. A fear of needles and injections often, but not always, results from bad memories of needles earlier in life.

Obsessions and Compulsions

An obsession is an unwanted and unpleasant thought, image or urge that repeatedly enters your mind, causing feelings of anxiety, disgust or unease.

A compulsion is a repetitive behaviour or mental act that you feel you need to do to temporarily relieve the unpleasant feelings brought on by the obsessive thought.


Had a lovely young woman present with OCD which had been troubling her for years, from an early age. It was sad to hear the cause and how it has blighted her life from such a young age. Considering her age and how she presented, she was coping fairly well but an awful lot of her time was spent doing rituals of various things and that in itself is 

Pain Management

Pain management is an aspect of medicine and health care involving relief of pain (pain relief, analgesia, pain control) in various dimensions, from acute and simple to chronic and challenging. Most physicians and other health professionals provide some pain control in the normal course of their practice, and for the more complex instances of pain, they also call on additional help from a specific medical specialty devoted to pain, which is called pain medicine.

Pain management often uses a multidisciplinary approach for easing the suffering and improving the quality of life of anyone experiencing pain, whether acute pain or chronic pain. Relief of pain in general (analgesia) is often an acute affair, whereas managing chronic pain requires additional dimensions.

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks

During a panic attack you get a rush of intense mental and physical symptoms. It can come on very quickly and for no apparent reason.

A panic attack can be very frightening and distressing.

Symptoms include:

A racing heartbeat
Feeling faint
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Hot flushes
Shaky limbs
Achoking sensation
Numbness or pins and needles
Dry mouth
Afeeling of dread or a fear of dying
A churning stomach
A tingling in your fingers
Feeling like you're not connected to your body

Most panic attacks last between 5 and 20 minutes. Some have been reported to last up to an hour.

The number of attacks you have will depend on how severe your condition is. Some people have attacks once or twice a month, while others have them several times a week.

Although panic attacks are frightening, they're not dangerous. An attack will not cause you any physical harm, and it's unlikely you'll be admitted to hospital if you have one.

Be aware that most of these symptoms can also be symptoms of other conditions or problems, so you may not always be experiencing a panic attack.


A phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or animal.

Phobias are more pronounced than fears. They develop when a person has an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about a situation or object.

If a phobia becomes very severe, a person may organise their life around avoiding the thing that's causing them anxiety. As well as restricting their day-to-day life, it can also cause a lot of distress.


Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute, or past their deadline. Some researchers define procrastination as a "form of self-regulation failure characterized by the irrational delay of tasks despite potentially negative consequences


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic life-threatening event or serious injury.

Public Speaking

Fear of public speaking is a common form of anxiety.

It can range from slight nervousness to paralyzing fear and panic. Many people with this fear avoid public speaking situations altogether, or they suffer through them with shaking hands and a quavering voice.

Quit Smoking

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health. Quitting is much easier when you get the right support and Hypnotherapy is a great choice to enable you to STOP.


Even if you’ve tried before, maybe more than once, you can still succeed. What you’ve already learned will help you reach your goal of becoming an ex-smoker.

Reduce Drinking

Ready to drink less, but don’t know where to start?

Small changes can make a big difference in reducing your problems related to your drinking. Whatever strategies you choose, give them a chance. If one approach doesn’t work, try something else.

Here's to (forgotten) unforgettable nights with friends.
Adults of legal drinking age can choose not to drink or to drink in moderation by limiting intake to 2 drinks or less in a day for men and 1 drink or less in a day for women. For those who drink alcohol and want to cut back on your drinking, these four strategies can help: 

Set limits. Decide how many days a week you plan to drink and how many drinks you plan to have. For instance, you might decide to only drink on a Friday night or Saturday night and have one drink. Schedule alcohol-free days every week.

Count your drinks. Use an app on your mobile device to help. Understanding how much alcohol counts as a “standard” drink may also help.

Manage your “triggers.” If certain people, places, or activities tempt you to drink more than you planned, you can avoid those triggers. For example, instead of a happy hour event with co-workers, suggest catching up at lunch instead. You may also want to remove certain alcohol products from your home.

Find support. Ask for support from a friend, family member, healthcare provider, or someone else who will support your choice to drink less. Hypnotherapy can help.

Note: Not drinking at all may be the best option for some people, including people who are pregnant or might be pregnant, those taking certain drugs or medications, or people who are recovering from an alcohol use disorder or cannot control their alcohol intake.

Relationship Issues

Relationships are a key part of our lives. They bring happiness and support, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy. When we encounter problems in our relationships, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Talking to a relationship counsellor can really make a difference.


Why do we need good relationships?

Relationships - whether romantic or platonic - can bring us a great deal of happiness and fulfilment. Strong connections with our loved ones, friends and even our coworkers allow us to be at our happiest, healthiest and most productive.

For many, these relationships offer an important source of advice, guidance, love and support. Research has even suggested that our relationships can significantly impact our well-being, with proven links showing that relationships can lower our rates of anxiety and depression, make us more likely to experience higher self-esteem and greater empathy, and can even lead to us trusting more. A strong, healthy relationship could even help you to live a longer life. 

However, fulfilling and supportive relationships don’t come automatically. They require good social skills and a great deal of work, time and energy to last and stay strong. Sometimes our most meaningful relationships can break down, and this can be due to a number of reasons. But the loss of this connection can be difficult, leaving you feeling lonely, disappointed, or even confused as to what may have gone wrong.

Relationship Counsellor and BACP Registered Counsellor (Postgrad Dip Counselling), Jennifer Warwick, explains more about relationship counselling, why people seek therapy for their relationships, and how talking with a relationship counsellor can help you. 


In some cases, our relationships may not be meeting our expectations, which can impact our happiness and life satisfaction. For others, they may crave companionship yet find it very difficult to come by. Whatever the relationship issue, there is help available.

Relationship counselling is an option you can undertake together as a couple, or as an individual. It provides a space where you can talk about your concerns and needs, as well as explore what you want from your relationships. Many relationships can be improved by counselling, even if there is no clear problem or issue.


It's a process that decreases the stress effects on your mind and body. Relaxation techniques can help you cope with everyday stress. And these techniques can help with long-term stress or stress related to various health problems, such as heart disease and pain.

Self Esteem

A lovely client booked in for a consultation that on completion determined one main issue. Self Esteem was rock bottom due to personal circumstances.

With the information I had received through our consultation, I then wrote a script based around her self worth in how she sees herself in front of people and a particular person of interest. This was an interesting client, an interesting script to write to incorporate self love and her self worth. Its incredibly rewarding completing a script for someone, and then deliver hypnotherapy using that

Sex Addiction

Sex addiction refers to excessive sexual thoughts, desires, urges or behaviors that can't be controlled and cause distress and harm to your relationships, finances and other aspects of your life.

Sexual addiction is also called hypersexuality, compulsive sexual behavior and other names.

Sleep Problems

Sleep disorders (or sleep-wake disorders) involve problems with the quality, timing, and amount of sleep, which result in daytime distress and impairment in functioning.

Sleep-wake disorders often occur along with medical conditions or other mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, or cognitive disorders.

Sports Performance

Sport performance is a complex mixture of biomechanical function, emotional factors, and training techniques.

Performance in an athletic context has a popular connotation of representing the pursuit of excellence, where an athlete measures his or her performance as a progression toward excellence or achievement.


Stress is how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened. It usually happens when we are in a situation that we don't feel we can manage or control.


Stuttering — also called stammering or childhood-onset fluency disorder — is a speech disorder that involves frequent and significant problems with normal fluency and flow of speech.

People who stutter know what they want to say, but have difficulty saying it.

Sugar Addiction

Sugar consumption can create a short-term high and a spark of energy in the body. Some studies have suggested that sugar is as addictive as Cocaine.

People often enjoy the dopamine release that sugar brings. But due to the addictive nature of sugar, long-term health effects like obesity and diabetes are a risk of sugar overindulgence. Similar to other compulsions or behavioral addictions, sugar addiction is a special risk for people with low moods, anxiety, and stress.

Additionally, people who suffer from constant tiredness may reach for carb-rich sugary foods for a boost.

Sugar releases endorphins in the body and combines with other chemicals in the body, resulting in a surge of energy. Once someone mentally connects sugar with help providing energy, they may become dependent on it (usually inadvertently). People may begin to crave sugar to balance irritability, emotional lows, and other conditions.

At this point there is often little control over dietary habits, and a sugar addiction has developed.

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