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Sound Therapy

Sound therapy can be used to relax and induce meditation. A delicious way to relax and unwind.

Sound Healing can also be used to allow resonance with the Heart and Root Chakra's (crucial for Emotional & Physical wellbeing) and also to resolve some ailments such as:

  • Emotional Healing
  • Spiritual Healing
  • Physical Healing (muscle tension, enhancing blood circulation and promoting healing of tissues)
  • Pain Management
  • Stress and Anxiety Reduction
  • Enhancing Sleep Quality

Sound healing and therapy with Positive Need is not suitable for the following people suffering from:

  • History of heart conditions or have a pacemaker (speak to your doctor or consultant before applying to attend to ensure you are safe to do so)
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis in the leg or known thrombi
  • Open Wounds
  • Acute Inflammations and Tumours
  • Epilepsy
  • Pregnancy

Singing Bowls

Listen to some of the bowls here - Singing Bowls Demo

Interested? - Check our Prices for Sound Therapy and then Contact me to book

  • Hits: 247

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