Do you realise just how powerful saying the right words to someone has? Just acknowledging what the other person is saying, just offering careful words of advice and how much of an effect that can have on someone?
I had that fairly
recently where someone needed some kind words, words of advice and tools to help them cope with a situation. Its really uplifting, helpful and I strongly encourage anyone to offer a listening ear to anyone you feel just needs to take 5 minutes of your time so you can listen to them.
It helps them so much, you wouldn't believe unless you have been in that same situation yourself. We all need help from time to time. Is it so difficult to just listen for a while, acknowledge and offer a solution/hope/guidance?
Go on...... try it sometime. Ask someone how they are.... how they REALLY are and do they need to talk. You can thank me later for the feeling that it gives you, and also them as well.
Enjoy your day, because tomorrow is a new one.
Talk, Words, Listening ear, Mental Health
- Hits: 633